Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dia de Gracias

So I´m sitting here at work on Thanksgiving morning (no, the Spanish do not get off of work for the day that the Pilgrims and Native Americans feasted together), and I feel it´s only appropriate to ponder the things in life that I am thankful for.

- My family and friends back home (we´ll start off with a couple of real, cheesy ones). Yes, you all may be an ocean away, but that doesn´t mean you´re any less important to me. This trip has actually made me appreciate you all even more.
- My new friends here in Spain. I´ve been lucky to meet some amazing new cool people that have made my time here that much more of an interesting adventure.
-Being able to travel and have three-day weekends every weekend. Four years of hard work in college has paid off well.
- Finding an amazing puppy wandering around Georgetown´s campus about this time last year and having parents who were willing to have charity for me and my newfound pup Archie.
- A job in which it takes me longer to get to and from work than I actually spend doing work just about every day. And an amazing boss who uses the word rubbish (yes, she´s British).
- My upcoming trip to Rome with Jordan and Dustin and Bethany, and Jordan´s visit to Spain.
- Skype.
- The camaraderie I feel with the people who are also running speedily up the metro stairs to catch the next train, only to find that it doesn´t arrive for another 5 minutes.
- My morning 4-minute CNN podcast that keeps me up to date on American news, along with my morning free Spanish newspaper that keeps me up to date on other news.
- The holiday butter cookies from Kroger, and my mom for sending them to me.
- Principe cookies, and all of their off-brand counterparts.
- Seedless grapes and the rare occasions I locate them here in Spain.
- Tinto de verano.
- The Thursday night NBC line-up.
- Ikea.
- Brian Fellows. Well, just Tracy Morgan in general.
- Guilty pleasure music, such as: Danity Kane (r.i.p.), Kelly Clarkson, and Glee
- Youtube.
- The Starbucks vanilla frappucino that I had for the first time yesterday. After waiting nearly 3 months, I caved in and paid the ridiculous €4.40 (about $6.50) for a grande one. It was so worth it, though.
- The fact that on Thanksgiving night, I will be eating KFC chicken in my piso with some great American friends.

There´s obviously a lot more that I´m thankful for, but there´s a list of the things I can think of right now. Hope everyone has an amazing day, and don´t get too crazy tomorrow for Black Friday. I don´t want to see any of my friends on Wait, or maybe I do...

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